Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Conformal Mapping between the Circle and the Square

The theory of Schwarz-Christoffel transformations in complex analysis provides a conformal way of mapping a circular disc to a square and vice versa. Here is a fundamental diagram for this mapping in the complex plane.

Conformal map from unit circular disc to square & vice versa

→ ◯
To map from square to circular disc, one needs the complex-valued Jacobi elliptic function cn.

◯ → 
To map from circular disc to square, one needs the complex-valued Legendre elliptic integral of the 1st kind F.

For a mathematical derivation of this diagram, see Section 8 of my paper in

It is relatively easy to verify this diagram through Mathematica. One can also do it online through Wolfram Alpha. Mathematica has built-in functions JacobiCN and EllipticF that can take-in complex-valued inputs.

Using the Jacobi cn function in Wolfram Alpha

Unfortunately, this fundamental diagram  has the square off-center and tilted by 45º . For many applications, it is preferable to have the square centered and oriented correctly. My previous blog entry has equations for this

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Squircle Limit

"Squircle Limit" is my artwork for the paper "Hyperbolization on a Squircular Continuum", coauthored with Doug Dunham. It was inspired by M.C. Escher's famous "Circle Limit" woodcuts, as well as his "Fishes & Scales".

The paper is available in

Squircle Limit

Monday, January 28, 2019

Hyperbolization on a Squircular Continuum

These videos accompany the paper: "Hyperbolization on a Squircular Continuum".

For best results, please watch these videos in full screen mode.

The paper is available for download here

Monday, August 13, 2018

Hyperbolic Stop Signs

tiling the hyperbolic plane with stop signs

Stop signs tiling the Poincare disk

Schwarz-Christoffel mapping to conformal square
FG-Squircular mapping
Elliptical Grid mapping
Tapered2 Squircular mapping

This pattern was used in my Bridges 2018 conference paper: "A Poor Man's Hyperbolic Square Mapping" coauthored with Douglas Dunham

presentation slides in

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Marcia Marcia Marcia!

Circularized Brady Bunch, Take 2.
Rest in Peace, Florence Henderson (1934-2016)

Square Brady Bunch

Schwarz-Christoffel mapping

FG-squircular mapping

elliptical grid mapping

Shirley-Chiu concentric map

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Jyvaskylan Yliopisto

The University of Jyvaskyla was the venue for the Bridges Math Conference 2016 where I presented the paper "The Conformal Hyperbolic Square and Its Ilk".

Universitas Jyvaskylaensis logo

Schwarz-Christoffel mapping
FG-squircular mapping

elliptical grid mapping

Shirley-Chiu concentric map

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Escher's "Circle Limit I" as a square

The 1st of Escher's 4 Circle Limits converted to a square

Escher's Circle Limit I

Schwarz-Christoffel mapping to the conformal square

FG-Squircular mapping

Elliptical grid mapping

Shirley-Chiu concentric map